Stanford University

The Stanford Psychedelic Science Group is an interdisciplinary community of mental health professionals, trainees, students, and researchers dedicated to elevating the discussion about psychedelic science and medicine. At the Stanford School of Medicine there are two research groups conducting research into the potential of psychedelic therapies; the Rodriguez Lab and the Heifets Lab. These labs are exploring the potential of ketamine, MDMA and psilocybin by connecting neuroscience, psychiatry and anesthesiology.

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Stanford University Website

January, 1970


Research Institute

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Related Course(s)

Introduction to Psychedelic Medicine
The introductory course provides an overview of the revitalized area of psychedelic research and treatment. Presented by Stanford University, this program connects students with leading experts and practitioners exploring the possible uses of psychedelics in addressing mental health issues and broadening human awareness.


HQ / Office 450 Serra Mall, Stanford, CA 94305, USA